It was beautiful! We won't foget turning around while the tent was being set up and seeing Spence had climbed in the car and gotten the camp site map out. He had it right up in front of his face and was pointin to the "X". He was saying something like "I will be back, I'm going to go find the treasure." That's when it began. A whole life of pirates for a little three year old boy.
Sarah's favorite was roasting marshmellows and as we lay in our tent with the kids trying to get them to fall asleep we would sing songs in between Sarah telling us how excited she was to eat breakfast in the morning. Her spirit was shining through again!
Justin and I felt happy, and so content as we sat by the campfire that night. We sat under the beautiful sky of stars and next to our tent of sleeping kids, feeling so grateful for the life our Heavenly Father has blessed us with. Our goal has just begun!
The next morning we headed of to the reservoir to fish. We kept getting bites, but poor Spence never got to "eat his fish". We still had fun with the new spider man and princess fishing poles though.
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