I'm sad to say that the sister missionaries in our ward were just transfered out. They will be replaced with Elders. I'm going to miss them. We've had some very special moments together. I'll never forget the discussion we had with our next door neighbor, the day they made us spaghetti, watching the Testaments, Justin making pancakes for us all, or just sharing with eachother our love for the gospel.
Sister Kilgore and Sister Dutson are two very inspired young ladies. They have touched our lives! I'm grateful for the days they would show up on our porch with their bikes, and the challenges they would leave with us. They always came at the right moments; we all know who lead them, don't we?
One of my favorit things to do as a missionary is stop by young couples who were strong and active and excited to help us with the work. Now the missionaries are stopping by your house. You are tha cool couple that the missionaries talk about when they get back to their apt for the evening. I can hear them now, "Man, the Kroff's are so cool! I want to have a family just like that when I get home!"
You have painted! I want to see more pictures of your house!
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