Our neighbors are so much fun! They bought paints and canvas for the kids today. Their daughter is named Sarah too--we call her "big Sarah" for our little Sarah's sake. They spent the evening exploring their painting talents together. We'll let you know how much they sale their paintings for.
That's cool! What great neighbors! I am inspired not to go do something like that for a neighbor or friend. Thanks for the photos.
What a fun project!
Glad you've got great neighbors - it makes a difference!
Megan, I just stumbled across your blog. It's been so fun to catch up on your little family! I can't believe how grown up Sarah is! And Spencer was just born last time I saw you! And congrats to Justin for being a pilot now! And Houston, Texas??? Wow! That's so great! I hope you don't mind, but I plan on checking in often to see what you are up to. I enjoyed reading about your new home, and your experiences. We have a blog too, but it's set on private. If you email me at tylerhoopes@infowest.com I can send you an invite to it. By the way, does Tami have a blog? I'm sure glad I found your blog. It was fun being neighbors in SLC.-Lisha Hoopes
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