Okay, we walk in the room and there was Sarah sitting in front of the TV. She had the Super Nintendo all hooked up by herself and was 2nd place--mid game, Mario Kart, against the computer! So, feeling a little competive Justin joined in with Spencer's help. Sarah was right behind Justin in 2nd place almost the whole game. A banana put her in 8th in the end. I don't think Justin pulled back for a second. Ha ha ha. So funny. This girl amazes me! I'll just say I think I've seen this game played maybe five times in the last year under this roof.
I'll bet your kids LOVE having their dad home to play with!! :)
Its Heather SHattuck. I was at Katie Reeders home, i forgot her maiden name but she went to high school with you and I saw your blog. I thought I would say hi and give you our blog so we can keep up with each other it sounds like you guys are doing great.
Love that little girl!! Sorry to hear you didn't get good news the other day. We're all rooting for Sarah!
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