Apr 9, 2008

After A Long Day

This was Sarah's way to relax after a long day (picture courtesy of Justin). It's been a rough one. For the last few days, shocking both of us, she hasn't wanted to go to school. This was something we hadn't encountered yet. From her first day of preschool she's always asked "school in morning?" and she's been so excited to see friends, ride on the bus and see her teachers.

This morning broke our hearts when she had the biggest tantrum we have ever gone through with her. Justin was trying so hard to be a good dad and get her buckled on the bus. Let's just say she was carried off the bus and we weren't able to take her to school until 10:00 (school starts at 8:00). There's been a lot of good talks with eachother, a lot of prayers pleading for help, and visits to caregivers at school.

Thank goodness for bubble baths! Our darling girl is sound asleep with promising happiness about visiting the Prader-Willi Clinic at Texas Children's Hospital tomorrow and school on Friday. She says she's excited to get on the bus Friday morning. We shall see. It's a constant battle trying to be patient, loving, yet firm; always wanting what's best for your child.


Lesley said...

Seeing that picture makes ME feel more relaxed. I hope things go well with the bus and school tomorrow. I can't wait to hear about your appointment at Texas Children's!

Brintons said...

That is so sweet. What a little angel! Hope all goes well with the appointment & school. It's difficult to be little.