Jun 11, 2008


3 Joys:
-hearing Sarah sing primary songs at the top of her lungs
-having a full day with Justin all to myself
-hearing Spence pray

3 Fears:
-little glass pieces cutting my feet or the kids (broken dishes freak me out)
-Justin missing a phone call from scheduling

3 Goals:
-make our family bigger
-write and illustrate a children's book someday
-paint portraits--ones I'm not embarrassed to show people

3 Obsessions:
-picking up right behind everyone in my house (if you set something down--just ask me, I know right where I put it)
-can't stop a project after I've started
-I have to have my closet door shut to sleep

3 Surprising Facts About Me:
-I made my own skim board once upon a time and even used it (Good Old Virgin River)
-I leave Sunday dishes in the sink--a lot, over night too!
-I am sooo ornery when I wake up in the morning. This is NOT a surprise to Justin!


Texas Harveys said...

I am excited to read your book and see your portraits! Never knew those were some of your goals.

Unknown said...

How awesome! I can totally imagine you being an amazing artist and children's book writer.... but I do have a hard time imagining dishes in your sink and you being ornery in the morning :) Thanks for sharing!

Aaron and Tami said...

It must run in the blood...I can be very "ornery" in the morning! Remember! Somethings never change. I can be that way during the day too! :) I'm also glad to know another sister leaves her dishes in the sink. Sometimes mine don't even make it that far! Love you Meg. Hope all is well! Best of luck with Preschool--that sounds fun!