Jul 30, 2008

My Thoughts

"The great men and women of our world did not accomplish great acts because they had no doubt or fear. They accomplished their great acts in spite of their fear and doubt."

I sure have had a lot of changes come into my life lately (well, probably something more like 7 years). I like to think I accomplish a little each day--atleast in my own little home, but I could do so much more. Lately, I have reason to get over my little doubts or my little fears.

Justin and I are facing many life altering experiences at the moment and this is my struggle. I struggle inside to have positive thoughts, to move forward regardless of my little fears/doubts, and mostly try to have and ask for more faith daily. On we go! I keep repeating the quote above and hope it will sink in. They say "we are what we think".


Ben Kroff said...

Not only do "they" say that we are what we think; but the scriptures say, "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he"

That first quote about fear and doubt was great. Who said it?

simple mom/wife said...

Not sure who said it. It's one I've had floating around for a while. Love that scripture!

Texas Harveys said...

You guys will do so great! I have no doubt about that.

Chelsi said...

What a great quote! It is comforting to some like me who seem to find more than our fair share of doubt and fear to know that people like you (who always seem so confident and faithful) have moments of doubt and fear as well. I know you two will make things work out!

Laurie said...

Oh, Megan. I just love you. You always have such a great perspective on things. You're in my prayers!

Unknown said...

I just think you should know I've always thought you were one of those "great women of our world." :) I hope you and Justin both continue to be blessed as you persevere.

p.s. I hope you guys had lots of fun on your trip! Next time I visit Dixie Rock, I'll pay close attention to the bottom half of the second "I" !!!