This was Spencer's invitation to his party. He's been asking for a "Lion Party" since the last time we went to the zoo. So, a Lion party it was! These two great kiddos helped make it happen!

Stuffed animals, a few stringers, and balloons was all we needed--oh, and the kids!

Spence was trying to remember. . . . "put your behind in the past", or is it "put your past behind you"? This would be Justin's artwork for a little game called "Pin the tail on the Lion". It's amazing all the things you can pin tails on.

James was the first to "find the Lion" amongest all the other searching 3-4 year old boys. We love this kid! Spencer has many park playing, pirate adventure, library visit, zoo going, museum walking memories with this great friend!

Ben, Landon, Benj, Drew, James, Austin, Evan, David, and Spencer waiting for the next round of "Catch the Lion by the Tail". (some not in the picture--it's hard to keep 9 boys entertained and get their pictures all at once)

Justin and I made these the night before. Very smart on our part. It took a little longer than expected.

Four candles. Four great years. One amazing little boy! Happy Birthday, Buddy!

No mess Spence. Well, atleast not his fingers.

Thanks for all the really fun presents! I was looking forward to new entertainment for this little boy. He loves them all--thank you, thank you! We had a wonderful morning!
What a cute idea!! How creative you are! I'm glad it turned out, Happy Birthday Spencer!
So glad you captured the backwards shirt in a picture! You'll have to send me that one.
Love the cupcakes!! So cute!
Happy Birthday Spencer!
what a fun idea happy b-day!
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