Aug 2, 2008

Pioneer Day Weekend

We were feeling like we couldn't celebrate Pioneer Day in Houston (it was Utah they came to) so we jumped on a plane and spent a week in Southern Utah. We spent the morning of the 24th in Pine Valley. Celebrations took place at the famous Pine Valley Chapel where my Dad was in the band and chorus for the early morning festivites. It was fun to see him pull out his trumpet skills from years ago.

We spent the after having a family picnic, singing happy birthday to Sarah & Spence, and just relaxing in the mountains.
Later, we spent a relaxing time with all the Kroff's at Green Valley Spa--swimming. Justin and I both loved feeling like it was the "good old days" diving off the diving board and eating hamburgers and hotdogs with the family. It was fun to see Steve and be sure they have a baby in that little tummy of Brittany's. We can't believe how big Gracie is getting, and even better--we can't get over that Hayden turned 14! We really are getting older!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm so jealous of your flight fun!!