Sep 8, 2008


I think all four of us have said at least once this weekend that we miss our family. That would be grandpas, grandmas, aunts, uncles, cousins, my sisters & brother, and Justin's brothers. I have to admit that I've been the one saying it most! I miss just being able to hang out with those that know us best. I'd love to just have a good game of "Hand and Foot" and hear the cousins playing with our kids or sit out on the porch in Pine Valley and just "shoot the breeze". Oh, and eat really good food that I don't have to shop for or prepare.

Maybe as soon as we know where Justin will be working in a few weeks and get settled we can come for a big old long trip. Good thing the holiday is approaching too. Just know we love all of you and like our time with you.


Aaron and Tami said...

We miss you too Meg. On the way home from Pine Valley on Sunday I told Aaron...It's nights like these that I really miss those guys. Just know we're thinking of you too. You guys have always been fun to hang out with. Thanks for loving and accepting us for who we are.

Love you,

P.S. I hope the job hunting is going well!? Keep us posted.

Kamille said...

You'll come back soon. That's the nice always can come home, right?

Steve and Brittany said...

Yeah we still miss having you guys up here in Provo! We have some pictures of us just hanging out at your house on sunday nights...those were fun times! Hopefully we'll get to see you all during the holidays! I'm so glad we were able to come visit you in TX a few months ago.

amy said...

Any ideas on where you could be getting a job? Are you planning on staying in TX? Big things happening!!

simple mom/wife said...

We're staying put. We love it here! We're still lookin for jobs and have a few opportunities up our sleeve. We shall see! At the moment--here comes Ike (you know that huge hurricane)!

Amy Wittwer said...

Hey Meg, I need to call you so we can chat but I will wait until the Hurricane is over-good luck with the big storm. My grandma ended up flying here so she didn't have to be there in case you lose power. Everything is bigger in Texas! Hope everything is going okay. Talk to you soon.