Every six months I look forward to hearing things I should be doing. As I'm sure many of you know, I'm a "list" person. I love having a very clear outline of all things in my life. This is probably why taking notes during Conference is a need I have. Once again I have my list so onward and upward I trek to atleast hit one or two things the next six months.
Elder L. Tom Perry's words struck a chord with me as he said "we can't let the stress & strains get the better of us." I started the weekend off knowing I must repent big time for all the stress and strain I've let creep into my life. I needed to be reminded that (in Elder Perry's words) "The Best is yet to Be." I don't know what is around the corner for my little family and I can't predict the future, but I have the gospel to help me enjoy each moment right now! I am so blessed to have those things I need--food, clothing, shelter, and spiritual fuel. Between job loss, hurricanes, loss of a child, and many other small challenges I've been most grateful for these basic needs we've always have met. I realize more then ever that in Elder Perry's words we must "seek to simplify our lives."
Elder Neil Andersen said "We do not know everything, but we know enough." So many times lately I have felt very inadequate with responsibilites I've been given. How grateful I am for the testimony that I have and know to be true . . . this is what makes tasks I have to do possible for me.
I'll never forget the story Elder Andersen shared of a young girl that was deaf. Her own mother had worked countless hours to not only teach her physically to cope with her hearing issues, but to know she was a special daughter of God. This young girl stood in front of another young boy at the grocery store--he didn't have any legs. She turned and told him "When Jesus comes I will be able to hear and you will have legs!" She went on to tell him "when Heavenly Father made me, he made me special!"
I know he not only made special needs children "special", but each one of us has our own unique qualties. I love being reminded of this through a child and knowing I can teach this to my own little Sarah.
Elder Jefferey R. Holland always strikes me with his talks and once again I was touched when he reminded me of the angels God sends to us. He talked of angels seen and unseen through the scriptures that came from Adam & Eve down through the prophets. He said "some angels we walk with and talk with." He also said "some angels we marry" and "some give birth to us." I specifically love where he talked of "angelic" people around us. I can think of many people that have been sent to our family lately to serve or help us. I loved the story he told of a young boy that was rescued by his own father whom at the time he thought was an angel from heaven. This was a wonderful reminder for me to not only look for angels Heavenly Father sends my way, but to help serve others and be their angels.
*Click on their names to read/listen to actual talks
Wow thanks for the great refresher, I love how as we all listen to the same talks so many different things hit each and every one of us. I loved Elder Perry's talk it was a great reminder for me and Elder Andersen's, I think as women it is easy to find our selves feeling inadequate. Thanks.
Oh I forgot I was going to ask you some questions about the skin face stuff you have been using. Will you email me some info, I break out and I have been using Proactiv and it helps but not totally, it drives me crazy. shattuck.h@gmail.com
I too really loved some of the talks you wrote about. How lucky we are to get such wonderful councel and a chance to feel renewed and a yearning to feel better.
I always look forward to conference so I can get rejuvinated and remind myself what I really love about my religion. How awesome was the moment Pres. Monson gave for everyone to gasp after he stated that we would be building a temple in Rome? I seriously loved the little grin he had afterward. Priceless.
Thanks for your thoughts Meghan...you are always such a wonderful example.
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