These pictures are from our preschool today, and below is a copy of the letter of our days events. Karen and I use e-mails each day to communicate with our parents everything that has been taught; this helps the reinforcing at home.
We started off taking turns turning the clock to 5:00, 2:00, 12:00, etc. Then we talked about the cloudy day we are having--charting it on our graph. After prayer, the pledge, and talking about the date today, we sang our Months of the Year Song. As our theme was the Months, we talked about how it's important to keep track of the days in our world; we learned certain months are in certain seasons, and that there are 12 months in a year. We counted how many more days of October there are and realize now there is only 15 days until Halloween!
The letter was Gg, so we practiced building capital and lower case Gg's with our wood pieces, wrote them on the chalkboard and then finger painted "grass Gg's" to making sure to follow the path of our lawn mower saying G sounds for the lawn mower noise. We learned that mixing blue and yellow, we can make green for our grass. These are hanging in my kitchen drying at the moment, we'll send them home next time. These physical, 3D motions are so important when learning what direction and how to write letters.
We made our own Red Light, Green Light signs and then played it together as a class. We now all know that green means go, and red means stop.
Our sight word "is" was written on chalkboards, traced in the air, and then on our worksheets with the lower case g.
We ate green grapes and Golden Grahams for snack-- thanks Karen. We loved them!
We took turns playing golf and could only hit the ball in the holes with the pictures that started with Gg.
We made glitter ghosts and ended with a game of "Gulo Gulo" practicing taking turns, using are small motorskills, counting, remembering colors and being "so careful" not to knock the egg on the stick over.
All our kids got their fifth stickers today and got to pick treasures out of the treasure chest today too! Good job following the rules and talking in our preschool voices! Did you know that you can teach your kids to throw their head back, not allowing their teeth to touch and show them G sounds come from the back of our throat? Just a tip from speech therapy.
I love your kids!
Sound like a lot of fun!! It makes me want to be a teacher again...good thing I have two beautiful children to do keep up my skills on! You guys must do a great job!
You must be the greatest teacher ever! Sounds like a lot of fun!!
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