Dec 5, 2008

One Year Ago . . .

We had lived in our new house for 5 days, we didn't know where to grocery shop, we had boxes in every corner, and only knew the people that came to help us unpack. I can't believe we have only been here a year. It seems like a lifetime when I think of all the wonderful friends we have and all the things that we've either done or things that have just come our way. What a year it has been! I'm definately amazed at how different it has turned out from what I thought it would be, yet grateful for where we are and how we've gotten here.

This is one very special little corner of our world and I love it! It's fun having really cold weather one day and then wearing shorts the next day in December. It's fun talking about going to the park in the Winter, and living in the swimming pool the rest of the year. It's fun getting lost because streets weave in and out and around and never just take you around the block--oh, and having to remember street names instead of numbers that I've known since I was pretty much born. I like that we just don't need lotion or that when we have colds we don't really need to pull out the humidifier. Even though we've learned that trees can CrUSh, I love them; they're beautiful. I love that our favorite grocery store is so confident about themselves that they can brag "Here Everything is Better". I like we're in a big city--we can find "it" all here. I'm grateful Justin has found two different jobs here. I love that school is very serious around here, and all are proud to be Texans!

Can't wait to see what this next year holds for us. I think I'll stop guessing and just plunge in.


Staci said...

Crazy how time flies! Good luck for another year

Kamille said...

People do say that God took a rest and then on the very next day He bleesed Texas. I wonder how I would feel about living out of Utah...something I'm afraid I'll not get a chance to know about until I serve a mission w/ Spence. Glad you are happy. But then, you always seem happy to me.

Amy Wittwer said...

Wahoo!! One year! Hope you guys are doing well.

Kim said...

We're glad you moved here!

Brigette Little said...

We're so glad you guys are here - we love your family! By the way, you always have GREAT music on your blog!

Steve and Jen said...

You are so lucky to have houston winters. I miss them. You are so right on about lotion, and the humidifiers. Both of those things have been out for a while for us in UT. We love it here, but miss all that was fantastic there. Happy New Year! Where is Justin working?

Texas Harveys said...

Happy One Year! Can't believe we were only in Houston together for a few months! Miss you guys.