Jan 5, 2009

What a Day!

Justin is the best husband ever! He's always made me feel very special on my birthday. He told me he had plans and to not plan anything that day. As you saw already, he started out the day with sending me to get my hair-cut. Something I've wanted to do for a long time. Then we went shopping to spend birthday money from our parents. When we got home, I went up stairs to get a few things done only to come down stairs and see this . . .

Impressive, isn't it? Then even better, he had a babysitter all set up and we went to dinner and a movie. It's been a long time since we've done that. We even stayed out pass midnight! We must be parents or something, because we haven't done that for years!


Unknown said...

Happy Birthday! I'm glad you had such a fun day and night!!And I love your hair cut!

Staci said...

way cute hair i love it! Happy Birthday too.

Texas Harveys said...

LOVE your hair! Glad you had a good birthday this year. Sorry we were oblivious last year! Still feel bad about that.

Kim said...

What a sweet hubby! And very cute hairdo...

Amy Wittwer said...

Happy Birthday!!!

Steve and Brittany said...

Don't you love being married to a Kroff? They are so thoughtful always! What a great birthday! And very cute haircut!

Ben Kroff said...

Maybe I could hire him as a consultant for Chelsi's birthday. I'm afraid I have lost the Kroff romantic flare. Glad you had a great day!

Unknown said...

(1) Your hair looks fabulous!
(2) Happy belated birthday! Sounds like you had a terrific day :)

We visited Dixie Rock again on our most recent trip to St. George... and we were thinking about you guys! Hope your holidays were marvelous!