Nov 2, 2009

IEP's and ARD's

Anyone out there that recognizes these terms knows exactly how I feel . . . I'm just sure of it. I can't sleep at night and I try to picture our family 30 years down the road when I see the IEP/ARD approaching on my calendar.

So the question that Justin and I keep asking ourselves is "what's our goal for Sarah?" Really what is our goal for Sarah? This time around I keep thinking what's Heavenly Father's goal for Sarah?

I know one thing for sure and that is--He definately wants her here on this earth for a purpose. So, what is that purpose or purposes? I'm pretty sure she's already conquered one of them--teaching me can be crossed of that list. She's got that taken care of, but what else?

I know she's here to bring smiles to everyone she meets, that she's teaching her brother patience, her Dad how to translate another language :), her baby sister how to share a room, the neighbors how to lock their door, the primary kids how to sing, the grocery store clerks how to be friends with everyone, the neighbors cats how to be gentle, my piano students how to play while someone is pleading with their teacher, the local drivers how to watch for bikes, the school lunch ladies to enforce the "no sharing food rule." Oh, I could go on forever, but what are we trying to educate her on and to get where?

Do we keep her around all the kids her age all the time because she loves her peers and tries to model everthing they do, or do we pull her out for "one on one" so she learns a few math skills and can comprehend how science works?

I know other parents are asking the same sort of things. I know Sarah won't be married or have her own children (not on this earth or with her particular body that she has at the moment anyway). I know she's very independent and is not always going to want to be under her parents thumbs. I know we have many options. I guess it's just all these possibilities and all these questions that just keep bringing me back to the same thing. I'm soooo grateful for what I know about my Heavenly Father and his plan for us. It's that we come to earth we choose the best we can and keep trying to improve so we can make it back to him again someday, and want to be there!

I'm soooo grateful that God is the perfect parent and that I can rely on Him to guide me with this daughter of his--my Sarah. I know he'll help me make the right decisions. So, after our ARD today and my energy is spent again. I will once again hand these choices to Him, my Heavenly Father because he already knows where and what my family will be in 3o years from now.

Thankgoodnes for IEP's and ARD's it just helps me evalute way more than where Sarah stands at school. Good luck and high five to all those parents out here with those words lingering on your calendars too! Each meeting will probably never be wrapped up in the perfect package with a bow, but will just keep teaching us all. May we keep learning . . . .


Aubrey said...

Hi your blog. Your babies are so beautiful! You are so faithful and strong. What an inspiration. It's so difficult when we see our child's struggles and yet we have to find whats best for them in the long run. You will make the right decisions.

my email is for when you go private!

Laurie said...

I'm crying! I love you guys so much, and I really just have a special place in my heart for Sarah. Good luck with all the paperwork that goes along with raising her, but remember that you're already doing the most important thing for her by loving her and helping her feel Heavenly Father's love.
Hugs to all of you!

Aaron and Tami said...

We love Sarah! You and Justin are great parents and will do the right thing! We love you!

Seth and Mariah said...

Megan, your little Allison is so precious! What a lot of things you have to ponder with Sarah. I can't imagine. You and Justin do so well with everything. I would love to be included in the blog when it goes private. My email is It is fun to see pictures of your sisters and parents! I haven't seen them in so long.

Koni Frost said...

I love Sarah! She's so wonderful! She brings me smiles too for sure! I love her "deal." I don't know what IEP's and ARD's are or where any of us, including Sarah, will be in 30 years (I don't even think about that!). But like you said, I know that Heavenly Father will guide you! Your family and how you live your life is an amazing example!

Good luck on all your decisions!

Brigette Little said...

We love Sarah, too! Hug her for us. You guys are amazing parents - she is so blessed to have you, and vice versa. Please include us when you go private!

Ariane said...

Tough decisions! Everyone on the ARD commitee has an opinion, parents have an opionion, but does anyone really know if what is decided will actually work? Will it be the best decision? I love your perspective on the whole matter. Sarah is precious and is teaching all of us so much.

Brandon and Jenn said...

I've participated in on a lot of IEPs, but I never thought of it from the parent's persepective. What you said was so touching. If I ever teach again I hope that I'll never forget your words.

Leslie said...

Goals...goals...goals! That's what life is made of. We're so proud of the goals you and Justin are making. Oh, and our Sarah...what a teacher she is to our whole family unit. How grateful we all are for her!

Joel said...

I love your views of what Sarah is on the earth for, I can tell you another or perhaps an extension, she portrays and teaches what LOVE is really all about. She has no guile, she has no dislike, she has no judgements, she has just pure LOVE. One thing we do know is that her future is in the hands of only HIM who can protect and influence for good. We know that we only have to live each day, do our very best, follow HIM and the future will take care of itself. Thank You Megan and Justin for all the many things you teach us and share with us. You touch the lives of all those you know.