Oct 12, 2012

Hiking,Teaching and Learning

Justin has been wanting our family to hike up to the Chinese Canal in Pine Valley, Utah for ages.  We did it this last July!  It wasn't as easy as we thought either. 

We were loving that we could talk about hard work and how rewarding it is.  We also had to really work together as a family and encourage each other.

There are so many great things about watching my kids grow older and think for themselves.  We have had the best time lately just sitting back and watching how they work together.

I'm embarrassed to say that it was me saying we couldn't go any further.  We just weren't ever reaching the top and Allison was having to be carried...Sarah was slipping and tripping...it was hot and I mostly could not see how we were going to get the two girls to walk back down this steep mountain side full of pure lava rock.

Of course, my positive husband that never gives up just kept saying "oh, the canal is right up here!"  Eventually he was right and we made it.  Glad we did because I almost had to eat my words of "never give up" and "I think I can" that we kept repeating over and over to our kids.

Looking at this little experience really reflects most of our lives together.  It's just nice to have each other to encourage and keep going...enduring!  There is always blessings that come...always!!!

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