I woke up this morning just shy of 6:00 when I could hear footsteps and then "Mommy, I awake now. Daddy gone?" Spencer was ready to go, but checking to see if if Justin was still gone. We quietly went to wake Sarah so she could get ready for the bus. Sarah was angry that I woke her up--she was planning to wake up all on her own.
With Justin still being gone 4-5 days at a time, we have a normal day--but empty. The kids and I all miss his pillow being occupied, his pancakes in the morning, his eager energy to get the morning going, and much more.
After a morning of getting Sarah off to school, making beds, cleaning up, doing dishes, and babysitting the neighbor kids, Spence and I headed to the mall to "get out." You'd think we would go shopping, but still trying to avoid stores with a low budget we went straight to the play place. There is something special about watching a boy play like he's rowing a boat down the river, or hiding in a tree. Man, I love that kid!
So, home for lunch and a lesson or two for preschool before Sarah jumps off the bus to ask for her "snack" and of course her "walk". What will it be today? Will she want the scooter on her walk? Her baby? Her new bike? Or, maybe a "friend"? Today it was just a walk to the park. So, we went. It was another afternoon meeting a new friend to play with, and another missionary opportunity! We share religion with our neighbors all the time. I love being able to explain who we are; we're planting those seeds!
Today it melted my heart when Spence got on the phone to talk to Justin--"Daddy, I'm sad. I miss you." It was so tender. That boy truely misses his Dad. Oh the moments we have when he's home. My heart melted and giggled as I tucked Sarah into bed tonight and she said, "My baby happy to you (her way of saying a birthday party)? My mommy make cake?" Oh she's tricky; that's my girl! Always looking for a way to celebrate with a treat.
Tonight, the kids are all tucked in and the house is quiet. Do I read? Do I sew? Do I watch a movie? It's strange spending quiet Friday nights alone. It used to be that Fridays were looked forward to and it'd be something new. Now as a mom; the simple happy moments are wonderful. If only Justin were here!
Oh Megan! I love you so much. You are doing so well through all of this. Always looking on the bright side and remembering, "this too will pass". You are still so positive, fun, and creative with Spencer and Sarah. So sweet, the things they say! Lets get together in the next couple of days. I can come up there if you want : ) Love you! Such a sweet picture--good job getting a blog going!
Love, Kari
It is so fun to learn a little more about the moments in your life!
Megan, I found your blog link on Amy's blog. I was SO excited to hear about what's going on with you and your darling family!
thanks for the update, we Miss all of you. Hope to see you soon. Joel & Marium
WOW, fire ants. thanks for the update Joel & Marium
How fun it was to read through everything, and to see the pictures with your favorite songs as background music! You got me laughing...and crying. I love you so.
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