Dec 30, 2007

Our Texas Christmas

We didn't think we would get our Daddy around for Christmas this year. We got to pick him up Christmas Eve and spend almost a week with him. We had pineapple and German pancakes for breakfast, and a piece of Utah when the Henefers came over for our Ham dinner. This year the Kids joined in singing Happy Birthday to Jesus.
Our most special moments were watching Spencer when he saw his "Treasure Chest" from Santa, and Sarah got her "Pink Stroller". This was a Christmas to remember! Thanks Grandma and Grandpa Jennings for the hot chocolate and stories by candle light. Thanks Grandma and Grandpa Kroff for the PJ's. Steve & Brittany had us for Christmas this year and helped us decorate our new house--Thanks! Heather & Josh sent us on our first date night in Houston and Sarah loves her doll and Spence loves his ball gun--Thanks!
We are so grateful for our Savior that was born long ago. He sent a marvelous example for us; how wonderful it is to share gifts with those we love!

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