Mar 5, 2008

My Daughter Sees Again

A few days ago a little brother ripped Sarah's glasses off her head. Over a year is a pretty good life span for glasses in a five year old's life, right? So, after a doctor vist, excuse notes from school, and a trip to pick them out--they're now revealed. Her new glasses! You can't imagine how she's missed them. Her teacher and I are all glad she can see again!


Alicia said...

Megan I am so happy to have found that you have a blog too! I can't believe how BIG Spenc is getting! Poor little Sarah not having her glasses to see, I hate when that happens to me!

Come visit us

Joel W. KROff said...

Sarah, WE LOVE YOUR NEW GLASSES. we can't wait to see you again soon. Grandma and Grandpa Kroff

Tasha said...
