I knew today was off to a good start when I beat the kids out of bed and was showered and ready for the day before 6:00. I love greeting the kids in the morning with a hug and kiss in their bed instead of them pulling me out of mine.
We got Sarah's lunch made, kids fed, vitamins eaten, beds made, and house picked up before the bus came at 6:50. Spence and I were eager to greet the neighbor kids at our door at 7:00. We've been tending for a few months and we are anxious to have this end next week, but sad too. It's been fun to help and we have wonderful friends that we still hope to see often.
My day was feeling wonderful still as I walked out of Home Depot with paint for our Master Bedroom walls and three kids under the age of 4 at 9:00 in the morning. We even managed to visit two parks--yes that's right, not just one. I loved knowing my house was staying clean, the kids were happy, and that I could talk to family on my cell phone all at once.
I was able to sneak in a 20 minute power nap today after lunch right before Sarah came home from school. Sarah had requested a walk to the park this morning, so even though it was about to rain we braved it and walked to the park anyway. There's something wonderful about running home in the rain with laughing kids. Oh the moments we have!
I had to smile as I sat in the kitchen preparing dinner and could hear Spence asking Sarah to come play pirates, "Come on" he said "I missed you today." There's nothing more wonderful than hearing your children play together! Oh except maybe hearing them sing "I Am A Child of God" while their "sailing away" on the bunk beds to the "ocean way over there."
After eating dinner tonight, they were both asking to go to bed so we could read their new library books. This would be the adorable pictures you see here. They truely are best buddies! They were tucked in by 6:45 tonight. Let's see--how many times did I type the word wonderful? It's been a great day. I hope I always remember these great times!
What a great day! These are the times that make up for those days that you just have to get through. You have two adorable, sweet kids!
Hey Megan- How are you? I haven't talked to you in such a long time!!! I just looked over your blog and you have a beautiful family! You are such a good writer. By the end of your post I had a couple of tears. You put into words many feelings I have had in my heart lately. I to try to serve as much as I can and it really does help get through the sad and lonely days! It will be fun to look at your blog and stay in touch.
Seriously, how were so productive?I am way jealous and hope that I can get that motivated to get that much done in one day.
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