Apr 16, 2008

Joy in Our Children

I hope you don't mind, Chelsi, but I want everyone to read this--your last posting. It's perfectly said for so many things on my mind. I'm positive there are many other mothers out there that feel the same. Click here for the article she mentioned. Chelsi is my sister-in-law! We love her!


amy said...

Just finished watching the "tribute from brother to sister" - what an impressive kid and I'm sure it hit home for you guys. I just imagined Spencer in the public eye someday defending his sister because he loves her so much.
What a blessing Sarah is in all of our lives but especially in your little family - she can teach things in a way noone else can.

Kamille said...

Hi. Just wanted to say hello since you live too far away for me to just yell it over the wall.