Yip, he's here, but that's not what I meant. His life long dream of owning his own grill has arrived! He's worked really hard for so many things to happen in his life and this weekend was one of the top. He suffered through foreman grills, borrowing neighbors grills, and even having an electric grill from Grandma. There's just something about having to plug it in that takes away all the fun.
This is his moment! Watch out you Texans, Justin's got talent that's been hiding. My man's in his element for sure! Too bad our fridge was full of hamburger patties instead of steak. We'll probably have to have a few more burger dinners before we can justify a juicy steak or two, but we'll let you know when the moment comes. I love watching his dreams starting to take shape (and taste them); he's amazing--I love him!
There is something between a man and HIS grill. I'm not sure what it is, but it is good. I'm happy Justin finally got his grill! Looks like you'll have a lot of yummy BBQ's with his new manly grill!
Yeah, Justin! I'm sad we won't be there to enjoy the fruits of this new relationship. :o) Enjoy the grill!
Congrats Justin, the food looks yummy. I think back when we were all starving college students we had a bbq with the george forman, those were the days.
Thats so funny theres just somethin with a grill and the man if its a nice day outside Tom will be like should we grill which makes it nice for dinner!
Oooo la la! That is one gorgeous grill! Enjoy those burgers!
WOW, I cn taste the burgers from here. Can't wait to see it work in real life. Dad Kroff
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