Well, our learning about ways of Texas continued. Sarah saw the United States flag that sits up on Spencer's dresser and stood with her hand over her heart. Bless this sweet girl--she started to say the Pledge of Allegiance. Her words were a little slurred and not pronounced exactly right, but I knew from the tone of her little voice exactly what word and what phrase she was saying. Then she went on to say something I didn't recognize. I now know it was the Pledge to the Texas flag. I know. I know. My Texas friends out there will totally understand, but others are wondering (like me) how that is allowed. This is one state of it's own; my only answer.
So, it doesn't stop there. I have Sarah in the bathtub and I'm trying to convince her to get out and help me to put the bath toys away.
I said, "Sarah, put it away right now."
She said, "Yes Ma'am!"
It came out so clear, there was no mistake here. I just started to laugh. She was surprised at my reaction (I think) and she went on to tell me "my Teachy tells me that." I believe it. I hear it all around me here. Mom's say it to their kids, they expect them to say it back, teacher's expect the kids to say it too, etc.
Another one I hear is "No Ma'am!" I just never thought it'd be an expected phrase in our home. It sounds so formal and commando. Well, I'm raising my kiddos in Texas. That's for sure!
Hilarious! I want my kids to learn the Texas pledge. I totally try to get them into the whole Ma'am thing but they just won't do it...
Hilarious Megan! I totally remember that from Arkansas! I love it!
That's so great! I never knew any states had a pledge to the state flag--most kids probably don't even know what their state flag looks like. And, I've always loved the use of Ma'am and Sir. Your kids are going to grow up with their own culture. Love it!
Howdy Ya'll!
Okay Megan, so how is your accent comin' along? Ha ha!
I'm insane, I know...After feeding Jason I couldn't go back to sleep...my brain was going, allergies were buggin' me, etc...I just noticed your reply wasn't much later! Were your kids up at 5:30?! Wow! We would never survive!
You gotta love TEXAS! Welcome to a lot of creepy crawly things and as you've seen, Texas is PROUD to be Texas.
sounds foriegn down there :) j/k. Looks like you are learning a lot.
That is too funny!
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