May 16, 2008

Role Play

Sarah didn't have such a great day at school today. We won't even tell you what her teacher wrote on her behavior chart, but we will say it took a second Family Home Evening this week. We decided it was time for some role play! Watch out because we're a bunch of actors at this house. Ha ha.

I just have to mention that Sarah was the star tonight. One of the role plays (an attempt to teach some communication skills) we had Sarah pretend to be mom talking on the phone, while Justin pretended to be Spencer tugging and pulling and screaming on her. Very calmly and in the nicest voice she put the phone against her cheek and with one finger held up said "just one minute please", then proceeded to chat with Grandma on the phone. After a few sentences she said goodbye, and then "okay spence, what?"

Justin and I couldn't help smile (trying not to laugh), but it's true that we had tears too. We have one smart little girl.


Ben Kroff said...

You two are wonderful parents! What fun kids you have.

Steve and Brittany said...

That is so funny. We can only imagine! Its so funny the things kids (especially sarah) do that blow us away! :) She is so cute.