Mar 26, 2009

Favorite Places

One of my most favorite places in the world is St. George, Utah. To top that, this beautiful white building!

This is where Justin and I had our first kiss, where he asked me to marry him, and where we began the last 7 1/2 years of our life together. I love that my ancestors built this building and I saw it out my bedroom window everyday until I was 12 yrs. old. It sends chills up and down my spine to step foot on these grounds everytime. Bringing my kids here is even better!

We spent Spring Break back in St. George. The only thing missing was Justin or I'd probably tried to stay longer. I love just sitting back and enjoying family. We went swimming, had family home evenings, barbeques, went to Pine Valley, visited grandmas, played with dogs, went for walks, sat in the sun, laughed with Grandma J., played frisbee golf, ate, slept, talked . . . It was marvelous!

I often feel overwhelmed to come home after such a vacation, but this time I felt rejuvenated. I was ready to jump in again and this time feeling wonderful with a little bit bigger tummy--that's fine though, I guess I just get to pull out a new wardrobe for the moment. I got to hear our babies heart beat today too and I love that feeling!

In Spencer's words "It was a great trip and a great flight!" But like Sarah has said "my baby back, my bed back, my home back!" It feels good to be home.


Kim said...

Sounds like a great way to spend spring break!!!

Unknown said...

I'm glad it could be such a rejuvenating trip for you. And that you could hear the baby's heartbeat... it really is the best! My next appointment is this upcoming Tuesday, and I can't wait to hear the heartbeat again :)

Jonathan just finished applying to Washington School District; we really hope to make St. George our home... but we'll see!

Camille said...

It was so fun to see you and spend a little bit of time with you. I am so glad you were able to come and enjoy your stay and be ready to return home! Love you guys!

Steve and Jen said...

Yea! I love St. George too, but for different reasons than yours. It would be a great place to retire!
Glad you had a fun spring break! So what airline did you fly on?